Customer Service
Murphy and Max is a specialty pet retailer of services and solutions for the lifetime needs of pets. At Murphy and Max, we love pets back by hand creating well thought-out products that are safe, sustainable, and unique. Each is made in our small make shops to control for the utmost quality. Every day with every connection, Murphy and Max’s passionate associates help bring the love closer between people and their pets.
This vision impacts everything we do for our customers, the way we support our associates and how we give back to our communities.
Production Time
1-3 business days.
Because we make each product by hand, we can customize to your specifications. Sometimes a fee is involved but most requests are very simple and don't involve additional fees.
Available in the USA, Canada, Australia, and most of Europe
Return Address
PO Box 190 Kipling, NC USA
email: service at (replace "at" with "@").
Physical Address:
Murphy and Max
570 Meadow Summit Drive
Suite 2
Ocean Isle Beach, NC